Learn Kinyarwanda language
Amakuru yanyu is one of the most common words you will hear spoken throughout Rwanda. This is the simplest kinyarwanda greeting, and is often the first word learned by visitors to Rwanda.
Kinyarwanda is rwandese national language. Learning a little, and most rwandese are thrilled to hear visitors attempt to use any Kinyarwanda at all.
Amakuru?umze ute? Hello, good day, how are you? (multy-purpose greeting, means"problems?"): ni meza/Turaho (the response)No problems
Amakuru? How are things? (literally"news?") Ni meza, Fine, good, terrible
Murahari?! Hellow? Anyone in? (said on knocking or entering): Mwinjire: Come in, enter, welcome(also said on offering something)
Murabeho/ Goodbye to one/ many | Murakoze: Thank you (used to one and to many) | Cyane: Very(acommon emphasis)
Nyakubahwa Mister, the equivalent of monsieur in French
Umugore Like the French madame or madamoiselle, for adult women
Umusore Youth, teenager(pl,vijana) | Umwana: Child, kid(pl,watoto)
Izina ryawe ni irihe? What’s your name?/ What Are you called?: Ufite izina?